
Future Financials: Manage Your Money Goals

It can be tough to think about the future. Some people would much rather live in the present, without dwelling too much on the past or looking very far forward. Unfortunately, it's necessary to think about the future because one day it will be the present. If you haven't thought ahead, you could find your life isn't what you want it to be, and you'll be regretting your past actions. Creating a long-term financial plan is one of the things you could be doing to make a better life for yourself in the future. And you don't just have to think about it in terms of your retirement.

Deciding Your Goals for the Future

When you think about your money in the future, you shouldn't just consider your financial goals. It's also important to think about your general life goals, what you want for yourself and for your family. Are you in your 20s and hoping to get married and have kids? Maybe you've just had a baby, and you want them to be able to afford college, or you're saving to buy a house. Or perhaps you have career-focused goals, or maybe want to start a business. You should think about what you want your life to look like in 5, 10, 30 or even 50 years' time. Your goals will help you inform how you need to plan your finances.

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Getting Help with Managing Your Money

Looking into the future and making some clear plans isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do. You might be able to decide how to start saving for retirement or a goal that's more short-term, but there are so many factors to consider. Making the best choices is going to require both that you know what you want your future to look like and have some financial knowledge too. It can often be best to get some professional help from a wealth management or financial planning firm. Partridge Muir & Warren promises to understand your goals commitments and priorities, so services like theirs can be tailored to meet your needs. If you don't have a lot of time to spend managing your money, it often makes sense to get help. It's especially useful if you have a larger portfolio you need to manage.

Better to Go It Alone?

Some people might consider whether it's better to do all your financial planning and management on your own. It will save you money, after all, which seems to make financial sense. This line of thought might be split down generational lines, according to a survey by Charles Schwab. It revealed that more millennials felt comfortable making their own investment decisions, compared to Gen X. In fact, while 64 percent of millennials felt they didn't need professional advice, that fell to 47 percent for Gen Xers and 39 percent for boomers. This can probably be explained by the wealth of information now available, making it easy to find financial advice for free and do your own research. If you've got the time and can commit yourself to understanding what makes a good investment, doing it alone might make sense.

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Plan for Possible Circumstance Changes

When you're planning your financial future, you can never be quite sure of anything. There will always be risks you have to take and assumptions you need to make. However, you can still be cautious, and it's important to think about how things might change for you in the future. These changes could occur in your personal life, or they might be influenced by government. For example, many people are currently anticipating how tax reform might affect them. While you can't predict the future, you can make sure you're prepared for anything unexpected that comes your way. You can also adjust your goals as things change for you.

Make Sure Your Goals Are Manageable

Remember that even though you are creating a long-term financial plan, your long-term goals aren't going to come to fruition without first meeting some goals that aren't so far away. It's essential to breakdown your big goals into smaller ones so that you know you're heading in the right direction. You might want to one day own your home outright, but first, you need to save for a downpayment and start paying your mortgage. Your eventual goal might be to have a certain amount for your retirement but to get there, you're going to have to start saving or investing more each month.

It can be hard to think ahead to next year, let alone to a few decades from now. But planning your financial future is important, so get started as soon as you can.

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