


Do I have a girlfriend?

There was a female lady, that has trouble with remembering details. Think of the movie the 50 First Dates. Though this time, it doesn't take 24 hours for her memory to "reset". This elderly lady simply can't recall recent things (as of the moment.) Each time I talk to her, she'd ask: "Do you have a girlfriend?" And each time I answer with "Yes", she'd respond with: "Oh, she must be nice!"

Until the 4th  time, I realised she can't recall anything I said, so here it went:

Lola: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
me: "Yes. Why'd you ask?"
Lola: "Well, I could tell from you, I think she's nice. And you are nice too!"
me: "Oh, thanks!


But, she would ask me again later:

Lola: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
me: "Hmmm, nope."
Lola: "Oh, why is that?"
me: "I've got a boyfriend."
Lola: (shocked look) Oh, I don't believe you...
me: "Yeah, me too. Couldn't believe it. But he's a nice man."
Lola: "Ooh."


And she would ask again, and this would be kick-ass:

Lola: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
me: "Hmm..still thinking about it."
Lola: "How about me?!"
me: "Oh, of course! But let's keep it a secret ok?" 



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