


Why Watching More Sports Could Be Good for Your Health'


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We all know the benefits of playing our favorite sports from improved physical health to better mental health, but did you know that just simply watching the sports you love the most has a very positive impact on your health too?

Here are some of the biggest health benefits that come from watching sports:

Boosts mood

When you’re watching a sport you love, particularly if you are doing it with friends or other social situations, it can be a great boost to your mental health. Sports can help you to connect with other sports fans, which means you are less likely to be lonely and depressed as a result. 

Emotional release

Many men bottle up their true feelings because they believe they need to be strong, which is why  Professor Alan Pringle from the University of Nottingham believes watching sports can be beneficial for men in particular. Fans of sports are known to get quite passionate; they will laugh, cry, celebrate and commiserate together and this is an excellent way of getting emotional release when they may not be able to do all of those things in everyday life. Sports fans are often very non-judgemental when in the stalls which means men often feel more comfortable letting it all out and this can only be a good thing.

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Increased motivation

Whether you’re following the cricket on https://sportnews.in/Cricket or watching the local football team romp to glory, seeing a sports team working as hard as they can to achieve their goal really is a great motivator. When you’re watching them at the peak of physical perfection being able to do things that you can only do when you take yourself and your body seriously, it can give you a real boost to follow suit, start taking better care of yourself and start working on your motivation too. Sports are about so much more than a simple game.

Reduce stress

When you are feeling really stressed out it can lead to poor mental and physical health and eventually burnout, so it is really important that you do what you can to lower your stress levels when you can. Watching sports is a great way to do this because not only does it provide a pleasant distraction, but it also gives you something to root for, and if your team wins, it can help you to boost your mood and relieve more than a little stress, so if you’re feeling burnt out, never feel bad about taking some time out to watch the footie.


Watching sports with a child, partner or friend is a really great way of building strong and lasting bonds through a mutual interest which is just another reason to watch more sports.

As you can see, watching sports really is good for your health. Of course, it won’t help you with your physical health much, so you should definitely be out there playing a game with your buddies too, but watching sports is almost as good in many ways and it’s often just as much fun too.

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