
What Is Putting You Off Your Travel Dreams?


Like many people, you probably have a bucket list filled with places in the world that you would like to see. Perhaps you want to scale the Great Wall of China. Or maybe you're interested in touring the many romantic highlights of places like Paris or Rome. You might even want to live out your Indiana Jones fantasies and visit places that are ripe for exploration, such as the jungles of Peru in search of ancient civilisations.

Or you may have other ideas. But if there is something putting you off your travel dreams, you are unlikely to live out the adventures you have on your bucket list. 

So, let's consider what might be stopping you from travelling and let's discuss ways to overcome these hurdles.

#1: Uncertainty about travel documents

Unfortunately, you have more than your clothes to pack when preparing for travel, as there are various travel documents you need to bring with you too. Thanks to COVID-19, there are extra documents that you need to sort out, so it might be that you're put off travelling because of uncertainty about what you do and don't need. You might be worried about forgetting something important and so, rather than risk being stranded at the airport without the correct documents, you might decide to stay at home instead. It's easier and much less stressful, although you will be missing out on an adventure if you do. 


Do your homework. This is a problem that can easily be overcome as there is lots of advice online about what you need, depending on the country you are visiting. Travellers in Europe can benefit from these resources which provide information about travel visas. Then there's this travel checklist which details many of the other documents you will need, including passports, health insurance cards, and evidence of vaccinations. Sure, it will be a hassle getting everything together but in the end, the stress of it all will be more than worth it. 

#2: The cost of travel

Generally speaking, travelling can be quite expensive. You have to pay for your flight and hotel, and there are other expenses, such as car hire, food, and luggage fees. If you don't have the money in your bank, travelling will obviously seem out of the question. With a heavy heart, you will then stay at home, feeling envious of the people you know that are jetting away on holiday.


It's an obvious thing to say, but if you want to travel abroad, you need to start saving for your journey. The earlier you start, the more money you will be able to put away. Curb your spending on non-essential items and put any excess money you save each month into a savings account that is solely for your travel adventures. And look for ways to make extra money, perhaps by doing extra shifts at work or by selling anything that doesn't add value to your life.  

It's also possible to make savings on your travel essentials. If you book a flight or hotel early, you may benefit from discounts. You will also save money if you don't travel during peak holiday season. And if you forego a fancy hotel in favour of a hostel or local Airbnb, you should also save money on accommodation. Here are some other ways to save on your travel expenses

#3: Not having a travel companion

(Unsplash CC0)

If you don't have anybody to travel with, it's understandable that you might delay your travel plans. While it's perfectly acceptable to travel solo, it might be that you're worried about venturing to brand new countries alone. You may have fears around safety or there could be other things that you're anxious about, such as the potential for loneliness and isolation. 


If you have exhausted your list of friends, family members, and work colleagues and still have nobody to travel with, don't put off travelling alone. There are benefits to travelling solo, such as the fact that you won't have to compromise on what you do while you're away. You will be free to do what you want, eat what you want, and go where you want, without another person getting in the way of your itinerary. 

It's important to note that you won't be truly alone anyway. Lots of people travel solo so you might make friends while you're away. Strike up a conversation with solo travellers on the plane or at your hotel as they might decide to buddy up with you. Latch onto tour groups too as this is another way to be with people, even if you don't decide to hang out with them 24/7. And check for meetup groups, as you might meet like-minded people that are willing to travel with you.

#4: Language barriers

Not being able to speak the language of the visiting country can be a worry. How will you cope when you can't find your way back to the hotel? How will you find the nearest toilet? How will you ask for what you want when you're shopping at a market or visiting a food outlet? If you don't have the language skills to communicate with locals, it's understandable that you might decide to visit places that are closer to home.


This isn't a major problem as many countries abroad are English-speaking. It may be not the language of origin but as English is taught in many schools around the world, you may be able to communicate quite easily. Remember too that there will be other tourists to turn to for help, so if you do struggle to communicate with locals, there should be other people that can lend you a hand. Of course, the best thing to do is learn the lingo. You don't need to learn every word or phrase so focus on those that you think may be useful. Download a language learning app, take a class, or pick up a guidebook that contains the key phrases that are worth remembering. 


Don't put off your travel dreams forever! If there is something stopping you from travelling, find ways to overcome it. It might be something we have covered here or it might be something else entirely. Travelling is fun and exciting, so don't miss out. Be proactive and jump over any hurdle that is in your way. 

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