


rant on "owning" music


How do you like it? How do you define it?

Recently on tumblr.com, I saw a post that got me thinking and reacting positively and negatively all at the same time.

It's like this (I'm trying to avoid reposting pictures for whatever reasons):

"I liked (Name of band/artist) before (latest single)."

And there were like ten artists with their songs on it. It was done with some artsy letters and stuff, and people reblogged and reposted it.

Some of the comments were:" YEAH! Fact!"

Yes, I may be one of those people who would've said, yeaaah, indeed! Down with the posers, I'm soo way cooler than you losers!

But I really got annoyed by it.

For me, music is art, a form of expression. To some, it is passion, connected with some of the most personal moods one can have, and music can evoke a person's mind and heart.
And it is meant to be shared together, enjoyed as one. It is a unifying force, not a dividing factor.

It doesn't matter if teenagers nowadays only liked Green Day when they heard "21 Guns". If they're really fans, then they will discover the band's history and discography and will soon rock to "Basket Case."

The same goes for any artists and fans of all ages and sizes.

Imagine older people bullying the Beatles fans today and claim that we're so uncool and so un-original for they experienced the melody and charisma of John Lennon in the flesh.

See, that is totally rude. WE fans can't just OWN a band, an artist, a song. (Unless we're filthy rich and buy a record label).

I know this rant seems to be unnecessary, but I'm just all touchy when it comes to music.

(Oh, music is also a way of life). So there! Stop hatin' co-music lovers, and spread the lovin'!


  1. You're the man! Hope everyone thinks of music this way. Peace, love, rock and roll!!!

  2. thanks. it's just annoying to hear and see these immature comments regarding music.
    and you're right, PLR&R!


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